A blog for girls, by a girl :)

Tag Archives: happiness


So I was reading an article on Happiness today… A christian article. They talked about ways to be happy. It got me thinking though, what is true happiness? There are many things that can help you be happy, but is it true and complete happiness? Having positive friends, eating right and exercising helps, but they won’t grant you true happiness! (This is something I struggle with too 😉 )

True happiness can really only be achieved through God. Praying, reading His Word, working on your relationship with Him, that is how you find happiness and joy. I have always noticed that when I am working on my relationship with Him I am happier, kinder to my siblings, more respectful to my parents, and I can feel the Holy Spirit helping to “guide” me!

This is something I struggle with though, if you’re like me you may put off your “God Time” till later in the day, and  by the time later comes around you’ve forgotten!  One thing I’ve noticed though, when you make time to read God’s Word it is awesome. He always finds a way through the Word to tell you exactly what you need to hear for the day. 🙂

So here’s a challenge, for you and me… try to spend at least the same amount of time reading God’s Word today, as you take to get yourself ready. Makeup, hair etc.

I promise that it will change your attitude and make you TRULY happy. That doesn’t mean it will all be rainbows and butterflies, He never said it was easy, but… He DID say He would never leave you and that you can have JOY. In other words… TRUE HAPPINESS.    ❤ ❤